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Is there anyway to controll thje rudder? Seems like the boat gets stuck once you are going in the second journey

The controls are unique and it took a bit to get the hang of but I felt like I understood how each sail contributes to traversal.

I thought the story was very relatable and I have shared similar sentiment. Was a clever mechanic to advance the story.

Overall thought this was a pretty strong entry to PlayJam and was nice seeing a narrative story with unique mechanics to advance said story.

I've been thinking about how to use the crank in a sailing game, I really like your controls for the main and jib here!


I can't seem to get the sailboat to move.  Tried everything I could think of.

(1 edit)

If you aimed the sails out(perpendicular to the boat) and made sure to press b to undock, it should move forward. Were you not able to get away from the dock at all? Resetting might help if it was a bug I'm not aware of

I got it!   Didn't see the B to undock text last night, but saw it now, maybe that was the issue?  Anyway, I made it to the next dock.  Pretty fun!

Not too surprising that there might be a weird glitch or two in there, but glad you liked it :D

The first time I loaded the game it asked me to move the main sail, which I did but it didn't progress. On reloading the game it worked the second time around.